Monday, December 31, 2012

Why wait? Just JUMP!

Over the summer, a lady told me "why wait to do something if you can do it now?" She stated that she never learned how to swim, but as an adult, she began taking swim classes in order to learn. She challenged me to stop waiting on whatever I was waiting on and just get out there and do what I want. Well, this semester I did just that.

I finally created my dream board earlier this semester and it includes both long and short term goals. At some point this summer I remember saying "man, I've never been on the deans list at NC State. I've come very close, but almost doesn't count". Then I realized I had 2 more semesters left and challenged myself to make it happen. I put it on my dream board and the rest is history.

I'm writing this to encourage anyone who has something they really would like to do, but for whatever reason they haven't done it yet. Why wait? Do it now! Even if you're not where you'd like to be mentally or financially, there is still a way for you to make things happen!

I leave you with this story from a church sermon not too long ago:
There was this little boy who was in a house that was on fire. His dad was outside and he kept telling his son to jump, he will catch him. Well the little boy was afraid of course and did not want to jump out of the burning house. His dad continued to yell "Jump, I'll catch you!" Finally, the little boy jumped out of the window and into his dads arms. As a result, he was able to survive.

Well, isn't this the same thing that God tells us? As Christians, we all have faith even when we don't know the outcome. We walk into situations blind, but we trust that God will bring us through.  Always remember, faith without works is dead! (James 2:26) Simply putting something on a dream board isn't going to ensure you will receive it. You have to put in work to get there!

So why wait? JUST JUMP! 

Be Blessed! Dream Big! Live Live!


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Goal Setting.

iPod Goals
The same note that I wrote in 2009!
Wow. As I sit in my room, thinking about how good God is, all I can say is wow. During my freshman year, I attended the 35th Annual NSBE Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. As I sat in one of the general sessions, I took out my iPod, and began to outline my leadership goals, DJ goals, etc. At the top were my NSBE goals (shown right but please ignore that horrible spot on my screen). Although the timing was way off, I have achieved every goal except one, which is to get my high school active in NSBE. During this year’s convention, I was the DJ for the Gospel Explosion and I ran for a position on the National Board, crossing off the rest of my NSBE goals and I’m still in awe that this has really happened.

It’s funny because after I became Chair of the Black Students Board (BSB), my leadership goals changed and NSBE was not included. As chair of the BSB, I was motivated to run for President of the Union Activities Board. The Union Activities Board is NC State’s student run programming board that has 6 boards under its umbrella. To become President, you have to run in the student body elections. I decided to step out on faith and run for the position. Unfortunately, I did not win and it was at that moment when I decided to run for a position on the NSBE Region II Executive Board. Fortunately, there were positions still available after elections at the Annual Convention. I went through all of the necessary steps to get appointed and became the Region II Publications & Public Relations Chairperson. It was not easy at first because the position was new. In the past, it had been two separate positions so I was really confused about what my role would be. It was also tough trying to balance both positions because while a lot of the duties overlapped, a lot of them were completely different from one another. Once I caught the hang of what I was supposed to do, I found myself gravitating towards the PR side more. I’m not sure what my final push was to apply for National PR, but I’m sure it had something to do with an unofficial agreement I had with my Zone Leader Melanie. I told her she should run for National Secretary awhile ago so when she made the decision to go to grad school upon graduation, we agreed to both apply for the National Executive Board since we would both be eligible. We both got elected at convention and I am eager to see what changes we can make in the next year!

The Moral
When you want to do something, write it down. Even if you don’t have a plan about how to do it, write it down anyway. That is literally what happened to me and I’m still in awe. Even some of the DJ goals I made came to life. Don’t limit yourself and don’t be afraid. I recently told a group of young men that if someone can see something in you that you may not see at the moment, believe them anyway. That is how I am here today. People saw things in me that I could not see in myself, but I was crazy enough to believe them. (that also explains why I am now considering a PhD program...but that's another story for another day :)

Matthew & I in Pittsburgh

Special Shout Out
I have to give a special shout out to Matthew E. McFarland for encouraging (well forcing) me to be apart of the NC State NSBE Executive Board. I say forcing jokingly; however, he didn't leave me with any other option. Every time Matt saw me he asked what position I was running for. Again, he saw something in me that I didn't see in myself and pushed me to apply. This was the starting point of my NSBE Leadership and I will always give him credit for it. 

I leave you with my favorite leadership quote:
"A great leader's courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position"
- John Maxwell

Dream! Believe! Achieve! 


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My journey to a 3.0!

My GPA Struggle
Before I got to NC State, and even after I got there, I was told the following: ‘don’t let your GPA slip because it will be hard to pull it up’. Why didn’t I listen? I had several upperclassmen tell me over and over again to watch my GPA and make sure I keep it up. Again, why didn’t I listen? Better yet, why didn’t I take action to make sure I wouldn’t have any GPA problems? I’ll never know the answer to these questions but I can tell you what happened and why my GPA is so important to me now.

In the beginning…
I was fortunate to attend the Summer Transition Program for Minority Engineering Students the summer of 2008. In this program, I was able to gain college credit and points toward my GPA by taking Pre-Calculus. I ended up with an A in the class and a 4.0 GPA to start my fall semester. During the fall semester I did not use all of my resources. I struggled in Chemistry, but didn’t get a tutor. I barely studied in groups and struggled with the material on my own. I was a slacker. I lived 22 steps away from my first class of the day (that’s 22 steps from me getting out of my bed, getting on the elevator, and walking across the street where my classroom was) and I still managed to have 9 absences which changed my grade from a solid B to a solid C. I was devastated. Side note: It was an English class and the department allows you to have up to 8 absences since the class is M-F and if you miss more than 8 you are supposed to fail. However, some of my absences were from me going to the orthodontist and I thought these were excused like they were in High School…nope.

Fall 08 GPA: 2.867 Overall: 3.0

That served as a wake up call; however, I still wasn’t alert enough to get my act together. In the spring, I thought I was super woman and picked up a second major AND took on 18 credit hours. Included in this was Physics 205M for Engineers, Calculus 2, Intro to Computer Engineering, and two Communications classes - crucial. The physics class was at 8:05am and I am NOT a morning person so I was either late all the time or sleep in class (this included lab). Needless to say, I was doing way too much. I begin putting other things over school work (mainly leadership) and I was not putting in the work I needed to be successful. I tried to remain positive and even posted motivational quotes all over my half of the room – ‘Never give up, Never give up, never!’, ‘Why put off for tomorrow, what you can do today?’, and my favorite ‘Just Do It’ among others. I even had a week where I barely slept and I got everything done and I felt accomplished – then I crashed. And once I crashed I don’t think I ever got back up.

Spring 09 GPA: 2.44 Overall: 2.75

The turning point…
After this semester I knew something had to give. These were not the grades I was used to. I had never seen a GPA this low in my life. Once I reflected, I realized that I was going about things all wrong. I had too much on my plate and I DIDN’T LIKE COMPUTER ENGINEERING! What did I do? I switched my major and matriculated into the Computer Science department, I took a very light course load the next fall, I realized that the college load is WAY different from a high school load, and I got my act together!

I came to NC State knowing that I wanted to be a Delta and while this was not my number one priority, it wasn’t low on my list. Once I received this 2.75 GPA (which is the minimum to be a member) I knew I had to get my act together, not only for Delta, but for me. I knew that with this GPA I was going to struggle getting internships and limit myself for other opportunities. I was right. I had a chance to intern for GE and General Mills and I was recommended to be an Engineering Ambassador, but guess what, my GPA was too low. As far as Delta goes, I didn’t even expect anyone to take me serious with the minimum GPA. Besides, I knew that this was an organization of distinction and I did not expect to be considered with the minimum. I knew to be apart of such an organization I needed to have the minimum plus some. So I did what I had to do.

In the fall of 2009, I took 13 credit hours and held two small leadership positions. I went to office hours, studied in groups, attended tutoring, and most of all, put school before leadership. As a result, I went from a 2.75 overall to a 2.92 overall. *Praise Break* I’ll never forget checking for my last grade during Christmas break and shouting for joy when I saw that I had made such a difference in my GPA. No really, this may have been the best Christmas gift to me. Reflecting on that semester I remember constantly listening to Tye Tribbet’s ‘No Other Choice’ and singing it out loud as I went to class. At this point, I really didn’t have any other choice but to trust that He would bring me through and he did and for that I’m grateful. I also managed to fit the gym in my schedule that semester and it probably was one of my best semesters at State. In fact, it was considering that I did so well in my Computer Science class my professor included me on her Undergraduate Research team and paid me to play with Android phones!

Fall 2009 GPA: 3.41 Overall: 2.92

Spring 2010 went well. I gained another internship, excelled in my leadership positions and became the chair of the Black Students Board, and I was initiated into the Mu Omicron chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated :). I continued with the same things that I did in the fall and my GPA managed to go up…it was in Fall 2010 when I had a set back..

Spring 2010 GPA: 3.11 Overall: 2.95

The setback…
Fall 2010 started off busy. As the chair of the Black Student’s Board, I was obligated to attend almost everyday of Wolpack Welcome Week on behalf of the Union Activities Board. I also had to plan, execute, and perform in the Back 2 School Jam which caused me to miss two classes (well not really I just wanted to make sure everything was done right – leadership mistake). I was also trying to have a ‘greek life’ and go everywhere my line sisters went – parties, social gatherings, etc. This semester started off stressful and ended up stressful. I failed my first physics test, got caught up with integrity issues in my Computer Science class (most people don’t know this but it was resolved, no worries ) and despite what I learned the semester before, I made a mountain of excuses for why I wasn’t excelling in my Computer Science class. I won’t go into detail about it but long story short, my teacher had never taught the class before and his skills were subpar. For some reason I thought that would work in my favor – nope. I received the lowest grade in my life, a D+! At the discretion of my advisor, I dropped the Physics class which took a lot of stress off of me; however, I was still being a slacker. I skipped golf too much and received a U in the course which is sad for a PE. Despite all of this, I did receive a B+ in Discrete Math which I had to credit only in Spring 10 along with my roommate to keep from failing and we both received U’s. The game-changer this semester was that I was Greek and I didn’t know how to handle it. I felt obligated to put Delta before some other things and got my priorities all mixed up. Once I reflected on this, I came into the next semester ready.

Fall 2010 GPA: 2.818 Overall: 2.93
The comeback…
In Spring 2011, I was on a mission. As soon as I could, I signed up for a tutor for my Physics class and it paid off. The first test I earned an 82 instead of the 52 I received the last semester and I really understood the information. However, I wasn’t doing so well in my computer science class because I devoted all of my time to physics and I was advised to drop it. My other classes weren’t nearly as hard they just required my time so I had to make sure I did what I needed to do. I worked and worked and worked to pass this physics class and had a minor set back when I got a D+ (or C- I can’t remember) on one of my tests. (It was during Pan-Afrikan week and unfortunately my mind was elsewhere). As a result, I had to work extra hard to ensure that I passed the final. To make the long story short, I ended up with a C+ in the class and I was satisfied with that. I know I earned the C+ so I wasn’t mad at all.

This semester was a lot considering I had to plan a Sneaker/Hip-Hop Summit and the Pan-Afrikan Festival AND I was the step master and had to ensure we had everything together in order to do well in the step show. Not to mention the NSBE conference, this caused me to miss class.

Spring 11 GPA: 3.179 Overall: 2.97

Moving forward…
Until now, I never thought about taking summer school. Mainly, I didn’t know where the aid would come from, however, this summer I decided to take two fairly easy classes. The aid worked out and I ended up with an A- the first session which put me at a 2.996! I couldn’t believe I was so close. The second course I took I earned an A and now I have a 3.03!! *Praise Break*

I can’t explain how happy I am for this GPA but I do need to explain why this means so much to me. With engineering, some people don’t expect us to have superior GPAs. My advisor told me that I was doing well with my 2.92. Of course I looked at her sideways because I know everyone doesn’t feel this way.

For example, at the NSBE conference, I know I talked to 10+ companies and EVERYONE loved me but said ‘you need to get your GPA a little higher’ or ‘I would hire you, but you have to have a 3.0’. At least they talked to me and got to know me. One representative did the following:

I walked up to him, introduced myself, and told him what I was looking for. He said ‘ok, well let me see your resume’. As I was getting my resume out of my portfolio he asked what my GPA was. I told him ‘2.93’ and he closed my portfolio before I could even pull out my resume!! I was appalled. I had to ask myself ‘did that just happen? hol up! I know he didn’t!’ But I checked myself. Instead of over-reacting and telling him how rude that was, I asked for him to give me more information about the program and asked about his experience at the company before I walked away.

This, in addition to another recruiter (for a HUGE company) telling me ‘I’d hire you right now, but you have to have a 3.0’, was my motivation to do better. I have a friend who is in Computer Science with a 3.6 GPA. My mentor, a Varsity Basketball player, graduated with honors from the Computer Science department. So why can’t I?

It’s obvious that I started off wrong and let a number of things distract me on my road to success. But for people to tell me that a 2.8+ in engineering is good when I have some recruiters basically telling me to ‘talk to the hand’ with my 2.9+, a 3.0 was a must! My 2.75, 2.92, and 2.93 did NOT keep me from having an internship. It did NOT keep me from pursing leadership positions. So why was this so important?

It’s simple. No one likes to have limitations on them so when someone constantly tells you no, you do something about it! Am I satisfied with the 3.03? Of course, but I know I have a long road ahead to keep it and increase it. I am SOOOO happy I finally got it. However, I do understand that I have a lot of work to do because I am still at the bare minimum, but this is still a start.

So, to those with low GPA’s (especially the sophomores I know that had the same thing happen to them last year) DON’T GIVE UP! There are plenty of internship opportunities out here that don’t care about your GPA too much. When I had the 2.75, I worked at Deloitte in TN. (Well INROADS wasn’t too happy with this, but I worked it out lol). When I had the 2.92, I got hired at Progress Energy in Raleigh. When I had the 2.93 I got hired at Fidelity Investments. I’m also on the Regional board for NSBE this year. I haven’t had to pay for my education or take out any loans since I’ve been in college! *Praise Break*

People make it seem like you need a superior GPA to get an internship, get funding in school, and gain leadership positions. Well you don’t. In fact, I had multiple offers each summer after my freshman year. As long as people understand that you’re working hard and trying your best, they’ll understand your struggle and encourage you to do your best. Just. Don’t. Settle!

To my supporters…
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can’t say this enough. I know you were probably tired of hearing me talk about this 3.0 all the time but I thank you for listening. To those who have told me how proud they are thank you - it truly means a lot. To those who constantly pray for me, God bless you!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this abridged version of my college career (I left out a lot believe it or not) and possibly took something from it.

Philippians 4:13 - “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”

*Praise Break*

Be sure to share your thoughts and comments and testimonies. It may help you and someone else. This was very therapuetic for me!

Be blessed! Dream Big! Live Life!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Can't Stop, Won't Stop! - Bishop Claude A. Alexander

The content of this blog is the second part of a series called 'Necessity Christianity' by Bishop Claude A. Alexander of University Park Baptist Church.

The main point of Bishop Alexanders sermon was 'GOT TO MOVE FORWARD'!

When you will not accept your preference and fulfill God's assignment, He will send a circumstance to come your way to free you from yourself!!

So even though you think you're set back, you're still moving forward!!

Another phrase he kept throwing out was 'Can't Stop! Won't Stop!'

Can't speaks to your ability and won't speaks to your determination!!

So with that said, don't forget that
A) It's not about you!
B) As long as you follow His plan, you're on your way to success!!!

Here are the scriptures he read from:
Luke 4:31-32; 37-44

Be Blessed! Dream Big! Live Life!


Monday, February 23, 2009

Entreprenuerial Thinking Pt. 1

As I was sitting in Intro to Public Speaking today listening to my fellow classmates give speeches about either a profession, culture, or major, I kept hearing the same thing over and over :
"...blah blah blah....this major can help you get many jobs when you graduate especially since the economy is bad....blah blah.....this profession is really needed and isn't effected by our horrible economy....blah, blah, and blah!!!"

Why are we soooo focused on the job 'after' we get our degree?
Why aren't we thinking or even being taught to start our [own] business [now]?!

This really gets on my nerves because:
1. We're thinking about then and not about right now
2. We aren't even considering (the students) or promoting (the teachers) owning our own businesses
3. There are plenty of internships and co-ops out there (in engineering at least) for freshmen to seniors but we aren't taking advantage of them!!

We are too busy worried about working (for) someone else. I'm not down with that concept!!

As college students we should be developing our business plan now so that by the time our degree is completed, our business will either be in it's beginning stages or in full effect!!

I don't think going to college should only be about job security. I think going to college should be about adding credibility to what you already know (or think you know), and meeting people that are headed in your direction so that you can work together. -- College should just be an opportunity to network with professors, students, and businesses.

So with that said, I will go and WRITE DOWN my dreams, goals, aspirations, business plan etc. so that I can measure my progress towards making money for myself and creating an inheritance for those who may come after me.

I encourage you to do the same!!


Live Life! Dream Big! Be Blessed


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Secrets To Success....

A friend of mine shared this with me and I know that I will only benefit if I share it with someone.

Good Luck in all that you do!

Live Life! Dream Big! Be Blessed!


Click here for more!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


'Just Do It!' is my new motto for life. I've used it in the past and it worked. These three words are my motivation. Instead of putting things off all the time, just do it!

Think about it, I'm sure you procrastinate ALL THE TIME! There are things that you know you need to do and you'll say 'oh well I'll do that tomorrow', well tomorrow is not promised! And when tomorrow finally does come, there are other things that come in your way and that simple thing that could've/should've been done yesterday, gets pushed into another 'tomorrow' until it's months later.

My uncle and I have recently talked about procrastination and everything it brings and the both of us have decided to JUST DO IT!

So to relieve stress and to do all of the things I WANT to do in life, I will no longer procrastinate and I'll JUST DO IT!

'Do not put off for tomorrow what u could do today! Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised! Do whatever it is that you have to do and whatever it is that you want to do TODAY!'
- Smoke Digglera

Live Life! Dream Big! Be Blessed!